Thursday, August 5, 2010

Look what was "hiding" under Abby's bed. . .

While the kids were gone this week - I thought I was going to get soooooo much done. It seemed that everything that I tried to do turned into a huge project and took 10 times longer than I thought it should. For example, I had a sink in the bathroom that drained slow - so I tried to plunge it and ended up getting it completely blocked. I had to call in reinforcements - yep, my dad - and he ended up having to take all the pipes apart. So two hours after I started my 5 minute job, I finally had a clean drain. Another one of my projects was to clean and vacuum under Abby's bed. Her bed is low to the ground and so I can't send a kid under to pick it up. Therefore, since it is my job to take the mattress off and poke the vacuum hose through all the slots it doesn't get done all that often. Anyway, I found lots of treasures under her bed and one that I am still laughing about (her lunchbox/purse) which will get it's own post here pretty soon. This is another of the treasures I found....
an ICE CREAM SANDWICH!!! It took me 30 minutes and almost a whole can of Spot Shot, but I managed to remove all evidence that it was ever there. I can laugh about it now, but it was probably good that Abby wasn't around when I first found it.

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