Paige has been incredible this week. The first few days were a bit rough - I don't know that rough is the word I want to describe it - she just was quiet and still. That was hard to watch as a mom - none of my kids have ever been what could be described as calm - so I know something is pretty wrong when they just want to be held. After 2 days of being constantly held (yes - she even got to sleep in my bed) - she started to want to play and move again. She is now only on Motrin (last Loritab dose was 2 days ago) and seems completely back to her fun, inquisitive, headstrong self. She does NOT favor her right arm at all - there were a couple days at the beginning where I thought she might turn to her left hand - but she is doing everything with her right arm now. Her quick recovery is just one miracle we have seen this week.
Another miracle came today when the doctor called to give us the pathology results. We had been out to see our family doctor today to have her wound checked (she has been pulling at the bandage and managed to pull it half off). While at his office, the doctor told us that the pathology results were in and that all the tissue was clean (he said her wound is healing nicely as well). That was great news!!! As we were leaving the hospital - our Primary Children's Hospital doctor (surgeon) called and explained a bit more to me. He said that there were NO cancer cells in any of the tissue that they removed or in the muscle. It is truly miraculous - since the first biopsy showed cancer cells clear up to the edge of the tumor. The doctor said this was the best case scenerio for what he called "curative surgery" - meaning she won't need any more treatments! He did say there was some "reactive tissue" among her tissue - and I need to research that a bit more to understand what that meant (the timing of his call was really bad - Paige was still crying from the doctors office - some of the tape was hard to get off her back - and Abby tripped and fell down as we were in the parking lot - so there was lots of noise and I was so happy about the first news that I forgot to ask many questions). He also said that some collegues were suggesting that she have a minisule lymph node biopsy - which is another surgery - just to make sure that the cancer is gone. We will get more information about that when we go up for a check-up in 4 weeks - I got the impression that our doctor doesn't think it is as good an idea as his collegues do, but he is good to give us both sides of the story.
I am soooooo grateful to my Heavenly Father right now. I have been in constant amazement this past month of how I continue to see miracle after miracle. I am so thankful for the opportunity I have had to trust him and see my faith grow so much.
I wish I had more time to write more feeling I have right now, but I will have to do that later. Right now I am going to go finish (OK - well, start and then finish) a substitute handbook that is due tomorrow morning - it has been a struggle to get back to "real life". Thank you to all for your prayers and fasting - I am overwhelmed at how many people are praying for us - we love and appreciate all of you!!!
5 years ago
How wonderful! I am so happy to hear this good news.
Amazing! It is nice to hear this miraculous news.
Amazing news Heidi! Love you!
This news is AWESOME! I feel blessed to have felt your amazing spirit and your love for our Heavenly Father through your words. are an Fabulous Mom.
Thats just the best news! I am so happy for you! How did your exit exam go???
Yay! Thank you for sharing your great news!
that is great!!!
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