I feel like I need to explain why I haven't been posting anything lately - it is not because I have nothing to write about. I had a great excuse from January to May - between student teaching and finishing my college classes - I had zero free time. I was so excited for school to be over so I could start on my many projects with all the time that would be freed up (I was even looking forward to cleaning my house). I had exactly 2 glorious days of naptime and bedtime to start some of those projects (I did go through all the twins clothes and put them away and get out the new sizes - that is about all I have gotten done though). Only two days - can you guess why? If you guessed that the twins have now learned to get out of their cribs you would be right. Notice I said they could get out of their cribs - not climb out of their cribs. Piper can climb out of her crib - she is actually quite fast at it and very careful not to get hurt. Here is a short clip if you are interested to see how she does it.
Paige on the other hand watched Piper climb out and wanted some of that freedom for herself - she however is not very good at it. She fell out of the crib 3 times before I stopped putting her back in. The first 2 times she didn't get hurt - the third time however...
Here are the battle wounds to show for the third fall - and yes, I feel awful about putting her back in the crib just to have her fall out and do this - but I really didn't think she could get hurt - and I still don't know how she managed such a nice bruise. So now they sleep on the bottom bunk - only they don't sleep. It takes me an hour to get them down for their nap and at least 2 hours to get them to sleep at night - so there went all my "project" time. If anyone has any REALISTIC ideas on how to get my kids to sleep without me having to physically hold them in bed - please comment. I said realistic because the suggestions I have been given include turning the cribs over on top of the kids (yes - like a jail) and making a lid to put on the crib. I'm not quite desperate enough to do that yet.
How did you end up with so many climbers? So far none of mine have been able to get out of their cribs- I'm just waiting for the day Drew does, though. I remember Miles and Ethan jumping off the crib in your apartment! I wish I had some ideas for you, but I don't. I hope they start going to sleep more quickly soon.
Wow, Piper is quite the athlete - I think you have a future parkour enthusiast on your hands! I have no ideas for you (that wouldn't bring guilt). Sue might though...
Crib Tent: http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1LAVG_enUS432US432&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=crib+tent But that will cost some money. Or you could leave snacks and treats INSIDE their crib and they'll stay in, but that won't be free either. Personally I'll probably do the upside down crib with Victor.
Dan is a twin and I remember his Mom saying she would tie them in bed with their Dad's ties... Yikes - I'm NOT suggesting it because it sounds scary, dangerous, and well a little abusive. Just thought you'd like to know she survived and now she even smiles about how horrible they were. By the way you get Mom of the Year(s) in my book!
I can only give suggestions that seem to have worked for my twins. I have to tell you in advance that Guy is special needs and still escapes his crib frequently, but he has to be in a crib to avoid flopping himself out onto the floor. So here goes, night 1 tuck them into bed and sit between them with the lights off. Night 2, tuck them into bed and sit between them at the foot of the bed. Night 3 tuck them into bed and sit beside the door. Night 4, tuck them into bed and sit outside their closed door. Night 5 tuck them into bed and sit down the hall. Every time they get up, put them back into bed with as few words as possible. If you get to a point (say outside the door) where they start giving you a hassle go back 1 step and try again. It does work for some. Ivy sleeps in her big girl bed and at this point I rarely have to put her back. Jr on the other hand... well.... he's currently crashed on the living room floor after I gave up in frustration and just let him play till he passed out tonight. (win some, lose some. Save your own sanity!!!) Best wishes my dear! Wise words once passed my way when dealing with twins (or kids in general) Just wait, they'll grow out of it!
"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time to refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences" - President Gordon B. Hinckley, 2006
The Game Tally
Settlers of Catan Mom - 1
Miles - 2
Ethan -
Ticket to Ride
Mom -
Miles - 1
Ethan - 2
Yahtzee Mom -
Miles - 1
Ethan -
Miles Art
Kid's Quotes!
Ethan - Dec 09 - "Mom, Miles wants me to box with him, do you know where my boxing underwear is?"
Abby - Dec 09 - "My mom is nice, she doesn't spit on people"
Abby - Nov 09 - "My pizza is naked"
Miles - May 09 - "I accidently forgot I was on a diet from hitting Ethan"
Abby - May 09 - "Mom, say it on time!" - (Mom was a little late saying "Bless You" after Abby sneezed)
Abby - April 09 - "I don't want to potty train, I want a choo-choo train."
Ethan - December 08 - "I'm not crying because I lost, I'm crying because I didn't win."
How did you end up with so many climbers? So far none of mine have been able to get out of their cribs- I'm just waiting for the day Drew does, though. I remember Miles and Ethan jumping off the crib in your apartment! I wish I had some ideas for you, but I don't. I hope they start going to sleep more quickly soon.
Wow, Piper is quite the athlete - I think you have a future parkour enthusiast on your hands! I have no ideas for you (that wouldn't bring guilt). Sue might though...
Crib Tent:
But that will cost some money. Or you could leave snacks and treats INSIDE their crib and they'll stay in, but that won't be free either.
Personally I'll probably do the upside down crib with Victor.
Dan is a twin and I remember his Mom saying she would tie them in bed with their Dad's ties... Yikes - I'm NOT suggesting it because it sounds scary, dangerous, and well a little abusive. Just thought you'd like to know she survived and now she even smiles about how horrible they were. By the way you get Mom of the Year(s) in my book!
I can only give suggestions that seem to have worked for my twins. I have to tell you in advance that Guy is special needs and still escapes his crib frequently, but he has to be in a crib to avoid flopping himself out onto the floor. So here goes, night 1 tuck them into bed and sit between them with the lights off. Night 2, tuck them into bed and sit between them at the foot of the bed. Night 3 tuck them into bed and sit beside the door. Night 4, tuck them into bed and sit outside their closed door. Night 5 tuck them into bed and sit down the hall. Every time they get up, put them back into bed with as few words as possible. If you get to a point (say outside the door) where they start giving you a hassle go back 1 step and try again. It does work for some. Ivy sleeps in her big girl bed and at this point I rarely have to put her back. Jr on the other hand... well.... he's currently crashed on the living room floor after I gave up in frustration and just let him play till he passed out tonight. (win some, lose some. Save your own sanity!!!) Best wishes my dear! Wise words once passed my way when dealing with twins (or kids in general) Just wait, they'll grow out of it!
Naps work the same way too. Tuck 'em in, kiss their heads, tell them how precious they are and then... silence...
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